Tuesday, February 11, 2014

photoSHOP til I DROP

I really enjoyed composing the images for the Photoshop project because I got to know the software better.  I’d always hear about people using layers in editing, but until I actually sat down, went through the tutorial, and learned how to use them myself—the concept never really resonated with me.  I liked how I could experiment with crazy effects and filters without having to worry about completely botching my image and having to start all over.  At first, I had a hard time deciding which image to use. I started out originally wanting to use this image

But after messing around with it for a bit in Photoshop, I decided I wanted to use a more interesting letter than "o".. so I switched to this image because really liked the vibrancy of the colors and I thought it would be cool to mess around with the saturation and what not…

After experimenting around for a little bit and altering the color scheme of my image more times than I can count, I decided to focus on morphing part of the image using the liquify tool instead—and I’m sooo glad I did!  I’d have to say that the liquify effect/filter was definitely my favorite out of all the editing tools I used in Photoshop for this project because it literally allowed me to change the “reality” of my image… Here’s what I mean…

It was like one minute.. I had an average everyday "L" shape... and the next-- BAM-- a "J," my favorite letter in the alphabet if I do say so myself... but me, being the indecisive and procrastinating person that I am (I had a midterm the next day that I desperately didn't want to go back to studying for), changed my my mind once again.  I couldnt help it, using the liquify tool on this image gave me a really good idea that I just had to try out on this one-->  
and heres what I got [drumrolllll pleaseeee]


No, I didn't post the same image twice on accident-- they're actually slightly different if you take a closer look (the one on the right is slightly more distorted).  I wasn't sure if the first one was better because you could still kind of tell what the original image is, or if I like the second image more because it's so distorted and kind of strange looking... What do you guys think?

All in all, this project was awesome and I have come to two conclusions... 
a.) I am an extremely indecisive person (no new news there.. ) & 
b.) In terms of this project-- being indecisive actually wasn't all that much of a bad thing... honestly, I think it actually benefitted me because by changing my mind so many times and experimenting with Photoshop I discovered the wonderful and amazing liquify tool AND I got to create an image I really like :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy mother of all! That turning of L into J using photoshop looks pretty amazing! Also very interesting images and the way you messed with! I did not include any of your techniques in my photoshop images but I wish I did! Is that only liquify you did? or was it something else? Anyway, your images gave me a great idea that I could use for making videos with an intro that has such cool effects using photoshop because when I watch other people's gaming videos, they always have some sort of cool intro that represents them or who they are... Anyway, that's good to see such a quality as being indecisive being used as something good with this photoshop project! haha.. I bet your reflective piece was pretty interesting as well!