Thursday, March 13, 2014

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Reflecting back on this course, I can honestly say it’s been one of my favorite classes I’ve taken at UCSB thus far.  I feel like I learned so many interesting and better yet, useful new skills that will help me to achieve success even after I graduate.  I also feel that overall, I’ve really grown as a multimedia writer.  I’ve never thought about multimedia writing as a skill that needed to be developed, like academic writing, but considering how social media driven our society is today—multimedia writing skills are an absolute must. 

I think that out of all the projects, the Photoshop one was my favorite.  Not only did I get the opportunity to get better acquainted with the software itself, but I also created a project that I’m not only proud of, but that holds a lot of personal meaning for me.  Another aspect of the course I really enjoyed was how much freedom we were given in terms of choosing topics for our projects.  Although having so much freedom can sometimes be frustrating, I think it allowed for us all to create more expressive and overall meaningful projects. 

I’m also really happy that I got the opportunity to fulfill my honors contract by researching and creating a presentation on crowdsourcing.  After hearing about it being used in terms of raising money for non-profit organizations (and after seeing that Doritos Locos Tacos commercial…), the whole concept of crowdsourcing in advertising really fascinated me.  After reading some of the feedback I got on my presentation, I’m also really happy I got the opportunity to share this topic with everyone in class because from what I can tell—I definitely wasn’t the only person in the room who’s interested in the awesomeness of crowdsourcing.   

I’m not going to lie, I’m a little sad this course is already over because I feel like it literally flew by in the blink of an eye.  *sigh* Regardless, I plan to take all the new skills and concepts I learned in Writing 105M and apply them not just for the duration of my time here in UCSB, but into whatever career path I end up on a couple of years down the road!

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