Tuesday, January 14, 2014

[in a nutshell]

Hi, my name is Jaime Crowley, I'm a third year comm major and professional writing minor, and I'm from Potomac, MD-- about 20 minutes outside of Washington, D.C.  My goal this quarter it to make the following statement true: "I like to read the news." (I'll keep ya posted). In terms of writing, I weirdly don't mind writing long research papers.  They're just so broken down, almost formulaic in a sense, that they make writing academic papers somewhat bearable for a scatterbrained person such as myself.  On the other hand-- I'm not quite sure how to describe this-- but I enjoy "writing in my own voice," if that makes any sense at all... basically just imagine the complete opposite of the serious and "scholarly" tone you adopt when trying to impress someone in a highly formal and professional job interview.  In high school I did some work with InDesign and Photoshop but it pains me to admit that my skills have become considerably dusty.  I've also recently gotten into video editing using Final Cut Pro--split-scren editing--obsesssssssed <3 (but still relatively new at it)... 

A couple of fun facts about me..

-I love going to concerts and festivals
-I'm clumsy
-I think that for people our age, traveling (for cheap) should be a major priority because before we know it we'll be tied down with husbands & kids & mortgages.... meep!
-I love long distance running, it keeps me sane & gives me space to think
-I can't stand pickles or the taste of the last bit of milk at the end of the carton 
-I'm a bit scatterbrained...  and I have absolutely no idea how that's going to be reflected in my blogging (sorry in advance) 
-I use ellipsis [...] way too often... can't help it... must draw out thoughts. . . 
-When I was a kid, my nickname was "Dumbo"

... see why? Lolz gooood times

Let's see, what else

I spent last quarter (semester?) abroad studying and interning in London. The most important thing I learned while abroad dawned on me after I made a comment to one of my professors about how "behaviour" was spelled wrong on a handout.  His response, "Just because a word isn't spelled the American way, doesn't mean it's spelled wrong."  Mind blown.  That day, I learned a very important life lesson-- wait for it-- there's a whole wide world out there beyond our little American bubble... it actually exists... people actually live there... insane, right? 

Anyways... I am really excited to be in this class because, after the plethora of random and seemingly irrelevant lower division GE courses I've taken in my time here at UCSB, it's nice to be in a class that I find to be genuinely interesting, useful, and even exciting to learn. 


Unknown said...

First post!

Very nice blog! Seems like you really enjoy traveling and going on adventures; seeing the world, experiencing different culture, etc. That's really cool!

Unknown said...

long distant running, traveling, and concerts are all interest of mine as well. look forward to reading more blogs